Umfrage Landeshauptstadt Dresden Umwelt, Klima und Energie

Survey for the feasibility study on BUGA 2033

  • Status Beendet
  • Zeitraum 04.04.2023 bis 23.04.2023
  • Teilnehmer 3 Teilnehmer
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Two new green corridors, © TU Dresden

Dear readers and residents of Dresden,

A concept paper has been written for the German national garden festival (BUGA) that may take place in the city of Dresden in 2033. The concept paper was developed by:

  • the Institute of Landscape Architecture at TU Dresden, along with
  • the VGL Sachsen e. V. association for horticulture, landscaping and sports field construction,
  • the Saxon regional branch of the German landscape architecture association (bdla) and
  • the city administration.

We would now like to test whether that concept paper can be put into practice. That test is called a feasibility study. On 16 December 2022, the City Council ruled that this feasibility study would be carried out. The council is providing the funding for the study.

We would like you, too, to be part of the feasibility study. To do so, please let us know your opinion about the concept paper for BUGA 2033. Your suggestions and questions are important to us.

To view the questionnaire completely in English, please click on the globe icon above.

The findings from this survey will help us create the feasibility study. They will also be used for other forms of participation connected to the topic of BUGA 2033. In December 2023, the City Council will receive the study to help it make a decision.

For further information about BUGA 2033, please go to the City of Dresden website at (information in German).

Thank you for taking part.

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Central themes of the national garden festival

The national garden festival is more than just a flower show. It addresses important issues from the fields of sustainable urban development, the environment, the climate, leisure and a changing society.

The central themes address important questions and are used to design the exhibition areas.

What central themes do you think are especially important?

I think these central themes are ...
Health and nutrition
Climate hits – adapting to climate change, climate protection, climate neutrality
Future beauty and biodiversity
Using rainwater
Old and new (old and new plants, changes in horticulture)
Sustainability big and small
  • Pflichtangabe
  • Datenformat: Text; maximale Länge: 800
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City of Dresden

Mayor's Office, Dr.-Külz-Ring 19

01067 Dresden


Privacy statement for the online survey about the feasibility study on the 2033 national garden festival in Dresden

The City of Dresden would like to ask citizens who are interested in the subject what they think about the feasibility study on the 2033 national garden festival. This online survey serves that purpose.

You are taking part in this survey of your own free will. There is no disadvantage to you if you do not take part. There are questions about you, your age and gender and which district you live in. No other personal data will be collected, such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address. All the data will be stored and processed in anonymised form. It is not possible to link the data to you. All data will be processed by STESAD GmbH, Königsbrücker Straße 17, 01099 Dresden. STESAD was commissioned to carry out the survey by the City of Dresden.

The data will be stored for as long as the survey is being carried out and analysed. Your data will be deleted two years after that at the latest.

The Mayor’s Office of the City of Dresden is responsible for the survey: Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Bürgermeisteramt, Dr.-Külz-Ring 19, 01067 Dresden,

Data protection officer: Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Oberbürgermeister, Datenschutzbeauftragter:

The survey is carried out on the Saxon public participation portal (Beteiligungsportal). The data protection regulations for the Saxon participation portal can be found at this link.

The results of this survey will be evaluated and used in the feasibility study on the 2033 national garden festival.

If you have any questions about this online survey, please e-mail us at

If you volunteer any personal data such as your e-mail address, then you are declaring your consent to that data being processed. Under the European General Data Protection Regulation (Article 13(2) EU GDPR) you have these rights:

You may not be forced or coerced into continuing to provide your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time. If you no longer consent, your data will be erased.

You have the following rights with regard to the City of Dresden and the relevant authorities:

  • the right of access under Article 15 of the EU GDPR
  • the right to have incorrect data rectified under Article 16 EU GDPR,
  • the right to have data erased and to be forgotten under Article 17 EU GDPR and
  • the right to restrict processing under Article 18 EU GDPR.

Under Article 77 EU GDPR, you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. That applies if you do not consent to the processing of your personal data.

Thank you for taking part and for your trust in our work!


  • Kontakt
  • Datenschutzerklärung
  • Concept Paper (in German) (Download *.pdf 12 MB)
  • Central themes
  • Aims
  • Green corridors
  • The long view
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