Umfrage Landeshauptstadt Dresden Sport und Tourismus

Online survey: Sport and exercise in Dresden

  • Status Beendet
  • Zeitraum 11.10.2021 bis 11.01.2022
  • Teilnehmer 58 Teilnehmer
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Pictograms: Representation of different sports

From October 11, 2021 to January 11, 2022, almost 1,900 citizens of Dresden took the opportunity to take part in the online survey on sport and exercise. The municipal commissioners and “Eigenbetrieb Sportstätten”would like to express their thanks to all survey participants. Thanks to your participation, the state capital of Dresden received a lot of information about sports and exercise opportunities in Dresden.



The online survey on the subject of sport and exercise in Dresden completed with a relatively high level of participation and expresses above all a great interest in sports and exercise activities and how they can be organized for the future. At the same time, the planned movement space concept for the state capital Dresden will be upgraded with the results of the survey. In the exercise space concept, sports opportunities are to be developed based on a detailed inventory of public exercise spaces and concrete current needs, which show all Dresdner’s sufficient opportunities for sports and exercise activities aside of organized sports. A first evaluation of the survey results can be found below. The assessment of the participants in the survey with regard to the degree of provision with sports and exercise opportunities is particularly insightful. More than two thirds are of the opinion that there are not enough of these available in the state capital. The majority of those surveyed use public exercise areas (nature, parks, etc.) for sport and exercise. Cycling is the top sport, but skating, endurance sports and swimming are also very popular. Many of the survey participants submitted their own suggestions for the development of sports opportunities as part of this survey. The evaluation of these tips and suggestions will take some time, but will probably be available in April of this year.

Anzahl der Teilnehmer: 58

Do you do sports or exercise?

96,6% Yes
3,4% No

What kind of sport/exercise?

55,2% Cycling
15,5% Gymnastics
27,6% Endurance sports
25,9% Swimming
6,9% Soccer (football)
19% Winter sports
15,5% Dance sport
10,3% Roller sports (e.g. inline skating, skateboard)
12,1% Volleyball
29,3% Mountaineering (incl. climbing)
41,4% Other:
5,2% keine Antwort

How often?

8,6% Daily
60,3% Several times a week
19% 1 time a week
6,9% 1 to 2 times a month
5,2% keine Antwort

Where? (more than one answer possible)

24,1% At a club
34,5% At the gym
1,7% At physiotherapy
44,8% At home
62,1% Other (e. g. in nature):
5,2% keine Antwort

What is the availability of freely accessible sports fields/open spaces in your district?

1,7% Many
20,7% Enough
53,4% Not enough
24,1% I do not know

What would you like to see in your district? (several entries possible)

17,2% Soccer/Soccer field (football)
20,7% Basketball court
34,5% Volleyball/beach volleyball court
31% Table tennis table
63,8% Fitness equipment
20,7% Skate areas
19% Meadows
41,4% Parks
22,4% Other:
3,4% keine Antwort

What gender are you?

51,7% Female
48,3% Male

How old are you?

3,4% Under 18 years
86,2% 18 to 39 years
6,9% 40 to 59 years
3,4% 60 years and older

Which of the following primarly applies to you?

27,6% Student
62,1% Working full-time
3,4% Working part-time
3,4% Not employed
3,4% Sonstige


If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Agency for Sports Facilities

Commissioner for Disabled and Senior Citizens Affairs

Commissioner for Equal Opportunities

Commissioner for Integration and Foreign Nationals

Commissioner for Childrens and Youth Officers


Information on data protection

As part of the evaluation of the “Sports Strategy of the State Capital Dresden until 2030”, the state capital Dresden/the municipal commissioners and the “Eigenbetrieb Sportstätten” Dresden would like to conduct a survey with you.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. No personal data will be processed. You will not be disadvantaged if you do not participate. All information will be stored in a database.

As the survey takes place on the Saxon Participation Portal, the data protection regulations of the Saxon Participation Portal also apply. You can find them here.

Responsible for data protection

City of Dresden

Commissioner for Disabled and Senior Citizens Affairs

Commissioner for Equal Opportunities

Commissioner for Integration and Foreign Nationals

Commissioner for Childrens and Youth Officers

Postbox 12 00 20

01001 Dresden

Data Protection Officer

City of Dresden

Postbox 12 00 20

01001 Dresden


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